
Horn of Plenty

The cornucopia, or horn of plenty, is a symbol of fertility, fortune, and abundance. As shown here, most depictions of this symbol show the cornucopia overflowing with the fruits (and vegetables) of harvest. It is not unlike the standard American table at Thanksgiving time.

As I thought about the Thanksgiving holiday this year, my thoughts turned naturally to the act of being thankful in prayer. All too often, my prayers are often focused on other things - most notably, asking for God's help in one fashion or another. While asking for help is something we should be doing, I find that I am often lacking in my thanks. Sure, I give God thanks when he answers my prayers, but what about sincere prayers of thanks on a regular basis? I'm afraid that my requests far outnumber my thanks. To me, it seems like prayer dyslexia...I'm doing it all backwards.

So as a reminder to myself, I reached back into the files of my memory for this verse:
"Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20

Always (not just on Thanksgiving) for all things (not just the good stuff). It's what I'm supposed to do, but sometimes it's hard to remember, and it's especially hard to be thankful for trials and annoyances. This is definitely something I need work on, but remembering this verse will help point me in the right direction.

May you and yours have a wonderful time of thanks this holiday season.

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